Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i could growl all my pretty words
and maybe you would understand
since that is the language you know
you cultivate

i could purr so softly
and tickle your ear with such harsh phrases
yet i know you would pay me no mind
fighting the tide that surges within you
listening to instinct

be wary, my tongue can be forked now
i learned that trick from the masters of the trade
since i've listened to their verbal acrobatics
silvered words pour out of my throat
but i hold on to the truth even though it is deceiving

i can weave words when i want to
but yours always take so much precedence
and my filligree workmanship
goes to waste

yet i will always be tactile and visceral
visual and aware
i'll caress and kiss, growl and purr

until you remember

what all those useless words mean.

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