Wednesday, December 08, 2004

love is insane
gives you hope to press on
when all the world tells you to give up
when you yourself know you should give up

hope remains
love stays strong

you can go to your grave with love
but at least you can say you have lived

Saturday, October 09, 2004

don't want to change you
never did want to change you
i accepted you, all of you, long ago
you are who you are
and that's why i love you

Thursday, September 30, 2004

ahh yes...
reading between the lines
seeing things that weren't there

i can be such a goddamned girl sometimes

well, at least i didn't go overboard.

disregard the insanity of the past few days


Thursday, September 23, 2004


no, they do not mean the same thing
one is positive, the other; not so much
you can be alone without being lonely
that is the favorable way to be

still trying to reach that point
alone without the loneliness

but all i have is loneliness
and i'm being left alone

Sunday, September 12, 2004

you try to see in black and white,
try to ignore the blends, the greys, the colors
while i see a million shades of blue
my chromatic vision...

i see black and white as nothing more than
colors on the palate


black and white isn't all what life has to offer
don't limit yourself to what you want to see
she shares her eyes with tigers
her exterior is calm, and yet...
people tread carefully around her
they feel the predator within her

she scares the hell out of me
but i talk to her sometimes

she wonders why people fear her
i tried to explain, but my words are meaningless
a tiger at rest is still dangerous
and while her mind is sharp, she doesn't understand

but as i walked away from her, i realized
she is fragile inside
her ferocity is her protection

she shares her eyes with tigers
and i wonder if tigers ever smile

Monday, August 30, 2004

clouds may hide the sun
but i know it still shines

you can forget about the sun
when all you see are clouds
but it just makes you appreciate it more
when they break

life is funny like that

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Jasmine girl, she sways with the wind
dances in the moonlight, serenaded by crickets
the rhythm and the melodies only in her head
little jasmine girl, her laughter never ages
even though her body betrays her
and shows the marks of time

One day you will be loved my little Jasmine girl
never betray your hope

Sunday, January 04, 2004

We are cyclical in nature, but not too many of us take the time to look around and recognize our surroundings. Each step we take takes us forward and yet backward at the same time. It has been said that "those who refuse to learn history are doomed to repeat it" and I believe that this is true. Think about it for a while and you will come to the same conclusion. We find ourselves in the same situations, but usually we cannot discern that fact until it is too late. It is also said that "hindsight is always 20/20" and with good reason. If you look into your past, you will find patterns. You will realize that you have been faced with the same situation hidden beneath a new veneer and yet you will have made the same decision over and over and over again. Few and far between are those who are able to realize and recognize their patterns as they happen and seize the opportunity to change the outcome and break the cycle. The rest of us need a little time before understanding dawns on us. After realization hits, you have only yourself to blame if you continue the cycle.

Right now, we are the culmination of who we were and who we will become; it is only we who decide which part of us will rule.

Will you wallow in the defeats of the past? Will you chain yourself to who and what you were before? Will you turn your gaze inward and see only the regrets and mistakes of your life? Will you define your life around your failures? Will you lash out against anyone and everything because you deny the fact that you have flaws and faults and you cannot allow yourself to be happy?

Or will you learn from what has happened and transcend yourself?

Will you learn from your mistakes and unchain yourself from your regrets? Will you accept yourself even with all your flaws and faults and attempt to make yourself better? Will you allow yourself to see the future that may happen and move on with your life?

The past is past and cannot be changed.
You cannot take back words that have been said and deeds that have been done. You can only accept responsibility for it, apologize and try to atone for it. As for your mistakes, failures and regrets? You can learn from them so that when you are faced with a similar decision or situation, you will recognize it and know what not to do. Unless you like being miserable and dragging all that dead weight of the past with you, learn from it and let it lie.

The future is uncertain.
So, you have a five-year plan? Wonderful. What happens if you get into an accident tomorrow and you die? I thought so. It's good to have goals and ambitions, but don't get too wrapped up in a tomorrow that may not come.

All you have is now.
Today is what you make of it and it is all you have. You might not live to see tomorrow and yesterday is dead and gone.

Think about that.

Welcome to the new year.