Friday, June 21, 2002

i need you more than you will ever know
especially right now

i need you...

Sunday, June 16, 2002

How dare you cross the line?
How dare you even ignore the line's existance?
I know what you are doing.
What, did you think I was blind? Born yesterday, maybe?
See, I'm comfortable in my skin.
I'm confident of my abillites; you do not scare me.

Your blatant lack of respect bothers me more.
Six years were thrown away because of disrespect;
One who was like a brother to me is now dead to me because of such a transgression.
Six years. Six fucking years.
Does that give you an idea of what you're fucking with?
You are nothing in the scheme of things.

I told you to back off once. I was serious.
Trust me, it was in your best interest to listen to me.
I gave you fair warning before;
I had hoped you were intelligent to heed the warning.

I guess you weren't -- Or you ignored it like the line you disrespected and crossed.

You are now my enemy.

Watch your back.
And God decided to throw the gauntlet...
And He sayeth unto me, "I believe I will test you, daughter."
And I sayeth back unto him, "Again? Why again? Have I not proven myself worthy many times over?"
And God sayeth unto me, "Yes, but you must be kept on your toes."

He sent temptation my way and for a nanosecond...
I wondered why He couldn't have sent this earlier in my life when if wouldn't have been a temptation.
Then the nanosecond passed and I laughed, thinking of everything I had endured previous to this;
And of all the wonderful things that has happened to me.
And of all the wonderful people in my life...

There must be a different lesson in this encounter somewhere.

Silly tests.

After it was all over, I sayeth unto him,
"Please don't strike me down for this, but...You sucketh.
Too many tests, God, but I will endure like I always do."

He laughed. I sighed.

Never a dull moment with God.