Sunday, June 16, 2002

And God decided to throw the gauntlet...
And He sayeth unto me, "I believe I will test you, daughter."
And I sayeth back unto him, "Again? Why again? Have I not proven myself worthy many times over?"
And God sayeth unto me, "Yes, but you must be kept on your toes."

He sent temptation my way and for a nanosecond...
I wondered why He couldn't have sent this earlier in my life when if wouldn't have been a temptation.
Then the nanosecond passed and I laughed, thinking of everything I had endured previous to this;
And of all the wonderful things that has happened to me.
And of all the wonderful people in my life...

There must be a different lesson in this encounter somewhere.

Silly tests.

After it was all over, I sayeth unto him,
"Please don't strike me down for this, but...You sucketh.
Too many tests, God, but I will endure like I always do."

He laughed. I sighed.

Never a dull moment with God.

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